Faculty of the Group

Gabriel Goldberg, Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Ph.D., Mathematics, Harvard University, 2019. Set theory, large cardinals, inner model theory, infinite combinatorics. Logic Colloquium Co-Chair.

Wesley H. Holliday, Professor of Philosophy. Ph.D., Philosophy, Stanford University, 2012. Modal and nonclassical logic, logic and natural language, logic and probability, logic and social choice theory. Chair of the Group.

Office: 246 Philosophy Hall
Web: http://wesholliday.net

John MacFarlane, Professor of Philosophy. Ph.D., Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh, 2000. Philosophy of language, philosophical logic, history and philosophy of logic.

Office: 231 Philosophy Hall
Web: http://johnmacfarlane.net/

Paolo Mancosu, Willis S. and Marion Slusser Professor of Philosophy. Ph.D., Philosophy, Stanford University, 1989; joined Berkeley faculty in 1995. Logic, philosophy of mathematics.

Andrew Marks, Professor of Mathematics. Ph.D., UC Berkeley, 2012. Descriptive set theory.

Antonio Montalban, Professor of Mathematics. Ph.D., Cornell University 2005. Computability theory.

Stuart Russell, Professor of Computer Science and Smith-Zadeh Professor in Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, Adjunct Professor of Neurological Surgery, University of California, San Francisco. Ph.D., Computer Science, Stanford University, 1986. Artificial intelligence.

Office: 740 Sutardja Dai Hall
Web: https://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~russell/

Thomas Scanlon, Professor of Mathematics. Model theory, Diophantine geometry. Graduate Adviser.

Office: 723 Evans Hall
Phone: 510-642-3665
Web: http://www.math.berkeley.edu/~scanlon/

Sanjit A. Seshia, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. Ph.D., Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, 2005. Computational logic, dependable computing, formal methods, cyber-physical systems, computer security.

Office: 566 Cory Hall
Phone: 510-643-6968
Web: http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~sseshia/

Theodore A. Slaman, Professor of Mathematics. Ph.D., Mathematics, Harvard, 1981; joined Berkeley faculty in 1996. Recursion theory.

Office: 719 Evans Hall
Phone: 510-643-5695
Web: http://math.berkeley.edu/~slaman/

Hans D. Sluga, William and Trudy Ausfahl Professor of Philosophy. BPhil, Oxford University, 1962. History of logic, philosophy of mathematics.

Office: 309 Philosophy Hall
Web: http://philosophy.berkeley.edu/sluga/

John R. Steel, Professor of Mathematics. Ph.D., Logic and Methodology of Science, Berkeley, 1977; joined Berkeley faculty in 1996. Set theory, inner model theory, descriptive set theory.

Office: 717 Evans Hall
Phone: 510-642-2252
Web: http://math.berkeley.edu/~steel

Umesh Vazirani, Professor of Computer Science. Ph.D., Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley. Complexity theory, cryptography.

Office: 671 Soda Hall
Phone: 510-642-0572
Web: http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~vazirani/

Seth Yalcin, Professor of Philosophy. Ph.D., MIT, 2008. Philosophy of language, philosophical logic. Diversity and Equity Officer.

Xueyin (Snow) Zhang, Assistant Professor of Philosophy. Ph.D., Philosophy, Princeton University, 2021. Formal epistemology, decision theory. Logic Colloquium Co-Chair.

Emeritus Faculty

John W. Addison Jr., Professor Emeritus of Mathematics. Theory of definability, descriptive set theory, model theory, recursive function theory.

Office: 797 Evans Hall
Phone: 510-642-2147

Robert M. Anderson, Professor Emeritus of Economics and Mathematics. Ph.D., Yale University, 1977. Nonstandard analysis.

Office: 501 Evans Hall
Phone: 510-642-5248

Charles S. Chihara, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy. Ph.D., Philosophy, University of Washington, 1960. Philosophy of mathematics, philosophical logic.

Alan Code, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy (now Professor of Philosophy at Stanford). Ancient logic.

Leo A. Harrington, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics. Recursion theory, model theory, set theory.

Office: 765 Evans Hall
Phone: 510-642-3790
Web: http://math.berkeley.edu/~leo

Richard M. Karp, Ph.D., University Professor and Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, and of Mathematics. Computational complexity.

Office: 621 Soda Hall
Phone: 510-642-5799

Paul Kay, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Linguistics. Semantics, pragmatics, syntax, lexicon.

Office: 1203 Dwinelle Hall
Phone: 510-643-5431

Ralph McKenzie, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; Distinguished Professor, Vanderbilt University. Ph.D., University of Colorado 1966; joined Berkeley faculty in 1966. General algebra, lattice theory, ordered sets, logic, algorithms.

George Necula, Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Christos H. Papadimitriou, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science. Ph.D., Computer Science, Princeton University, 1976. Complexity theory, theory of computation.

W. Hugh Woodin, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics (now Professor of Mathematics and of Philosophy, Harvard). Large cardinals, determinacy, set theory.